
Lemurian Harmonizing Tools

• Environmental clearing • Air pollution clearing • Energy balancing • EMF pollution reduction • Remove negativities • Positive effect  on you and people in your vicinity • Create harmony in yourself and your environment • Enhance positive intentions • Bring environment into a state of harmony • Improve overall health and well-being • Raise personal frequency and vibration • Raise one's consciousness • Help enhance plant growth • Reduce storm severity • Reduce harmful effects of chemtrails • Bring in more spiritual light to the environment • Increase the frequency of the home, workplace and environment • Improve both personal life and business • Create good karma


Lemurian Environmental Harmonizer ™ generates a field of energy that infuses everything in the environment with higher frequencies of light.

Inspired and created first by the “true Lord of the Rings” Slim Spurling, the LEH is formed by the utlization of ancient measurements known as neter lengths – codes for the specific wavelengths that Spirit utilizes to manifest in 3-Dimensional form. 

Made within the perfect symmetry of the circle they are twisted and soldered in such a way so that each vibrates with a frequency or quality of light.

The Lemurian Enviornmental Harmonizer placed in a home or office uplifts everything and improves the overall atmosphere. Anything that isn’t thriving shifts – the effects are subtle but there is no doubt that the LEH enhances the quality of life wherever it is humming.

Without sound this tool maintains a field radius of 100 feet. Coupled with the frequencies of the Lemurian Resonance CD that comes with the unit – the radius expands to fifteen miles.

Position the LEH between the speakers of a CD player or place headphones around it and play the sound into it for at least 2 hours a day. The volume doesn’t have to be up – as long as the CD is running the frequencies will do their work.

This unit comes in gold or silver and comes with the Clearing CD and a beautiful TC 9 cm Energy Plate made from hand polished glass.

These plates are tuned to the orbit of the Earth and Venus around the Sun, creating a gentle and flowing energy. Emblazoned with the Flower of Life symbol in 24 carat gold at approximately 750 degrees Fahrenheit, they make a perfect resting place from which to launch the powerful effects of the LEH.  It also amplifies the vitalizing effects.

The field diameter of the Environmental Harmonizer is about a 100-foot radius; 15 miles when activated with sound. The Environmental Harmonizer may be used to assist clearing earth energies and creating a more harmonious atmosphere. Farm fields flourish in its environment - plants grow lush, full and strong; birds, bugs, butterflies and worms thrive; and all life forms in the area prosper as they receive its beneficial energy.

Disclaimer: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition or disease. They are for fun, for energy balancing, and for feeling good. For any medical condition please consult your physician.

Please note: 14k Gold or Sterling Silver is used to plate these units. Do not polish, brush, or shine. They will naturally wear over time and the bright polish may diminish which will not hamper the effectiveness of the unit.

Price: USD 488


Originally in the early days, similar models were intended for agricultural purposes, but it can be used to clear any large tract of land.

The Lemurian Agricultural Harmonizer is great if you live in a metropolitan area and have a desire to uplift the energy of the entire city. The effects of EMF transmissions appear to reduce, air quality tends to improve, and it has been noticed that crop production increases and whole crop pests tend to vamoose.

This version of the Lemurian Harmonizer™ collection is larger and so is its Toroidal field effect. Without sound frequencies, it covers a distance of about a mile and a half. When the Lemurian Clearing CD is played into it, the radius expands to sixty-five miles. The sound frequencies should be running at least two hours a day to maintain the larger field effect. As with the Lemurian Environmental Harmonizer, many people press the repeat button and leave the sound on 24/7.

This unit comes in gold or silver and comes with the Clearing CD and a beautiful TC 9 cm Energy Plate made from hand polished glass.

These plates are tuned to the orbit of the Earth and Venus around the Sun, creating a gentle and flowing energy. Emblazoned with the Flower of Life symbol in 24 carat gold at approximately 750 degrees Fahrenheit, they make a perfect resting place from which to launch the powerful effects of the Lemurian Harmonizers. The plate also amplifies the vitalizing effects.

A powerful Golden Lemurian Seed Crystal has been added to strengthen and bring the water element to areas in need of it’s energy. They were imbued with a message of equality and unconditional love. They are also said to relay the sense of oneness, of unity, of every individual part being equal and no better than any other part, and the necessity for love in order to evolve.

Lemurian Seed Crystals can also assist in creating a holographic connection between inner earth, the surface of the earth, as well as with the stellar regions. This holographic connection links the Lemurian Seed Crystals with other crystals in and on the surface of the earth, integrates the crystals with the human magnetic field, the human magnetic field with the earth, and the earth with the outer multidimensional universe. Each crystal has been energized by the sun and the light of the full moon.

Disclaimer: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition or disease. They are for fun, for energy balancing, and for feeling good.  For any medical condition please consult your physician.

Please note: 14k Gold or Sterling Silver is used to plate these units. Do not polish, brush, or shine. They will naturally wear over time and the  polish may diminish which will not hamper the effectiveness of the unit.  

Price: USD 888


The LH-R2  grew out of our desire to create a stronger relationship between Mother Earth and Humanity. The better the connection between the two, the more they work seamlessly together.

We focus on harmonizing the relationship between nature, environment and all who inhabit it, while using years of experience to bring out the optimum connection between physics, artistry, and humankind.

To activate the LH-R2 simply hang on a hook and set your intention. The Unit is self adjusting so nothing else is necessary.  To broadcast or amplify the LH-R2 to a greater distance extending beyond 20 miles, simply play the Lemurian Resonance CD that is included.  The volume level is not important so the CD can be played very softly. 

You may notice birds and animals are very sensitive to the loving environment the LH-R2 creates, while plants and gardens respond almost immediately. The LH-R2, suspended in any atmosphere, uplifts and improves everything in its field. 

Comprised of two powerful units - the Lemurian Environmental Harmonizer (or the larger Lemurian Agricultural Harmonizer) as well as the added technology of the Lemurian Posi-vac Coil, it is self-adjusting - - moving based on what is needed to acquire balance within it’s surroundings.

Like other harmonizing units, it has a large radius of field cleaning the darkness, resistance and discordant energy, transmuting it into Light and broadcasting it into the field.

Comes in two sizes: - LH-R2 Environmental  USD 677

- LHR2 Agricultural  USD 998

Lemurian Personal Harmonizer ™

The Lemurian Personal Harmonizer generates a field of energy that infuses everything in the environment with higher frequencies of light.

Inspired and created first by the “true Lord of the Rings” Slim Spurling, the LPH is formed by the utilization of ancient measurements known as neter lengths – codes for the specific wavelengths that Spirit utilizes to manifest in 3-Dimensional form… Made within the perfect symmetry of the circle they are twisted and soldered in such a way so that each vibrates with a frequency or quality of light.

The Lemurian Personal Harmonizer TM is worn on the body like a locket or talisman. It creates a Toroidal field around the human body that has a radius of five to seven feet. The energy generated by the LPH acts to clear the meridians and maintain balance at a personal level. It surrounds the body in a Toroidal “tuffet” or cushion of light. Bathed in this energy, the person wearing this tool will notice that they feel better – they have more energy, more clarity, and a sense of inner and outer balance.

The LPH is produced in gold or silver plate and comes with a silk cord so that you can wear it immediately.

Price: USD 333

TO PURCHASE, please contact:

Moi Francisco

Email: heaps.light@gmail.com

Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram: +639209514056


As many of us realize, besides the harmonizing coherence of the Christ Grid, there also are negative configurations of energy that encircle the Earth. Less well understood is the fact that areas of weather disturbances, and areas where the rate of crime and violence is high, can actually be mapped out just by knowing where these "geopathic" energy lines exist, and especially where they intersect. These predictable areas are especially prevalent in cities, because they are either created or exacerbated by technological emanations, especially from electricity and microwaves.

There is naturally occurring geopathic stress that is caused by fissures, underground waterways, or natural gases in the Earth. The ancients observed the landscape and avoided these areas of stress. The same is true of the Aborigines and other indigenous peoples that have a deep connection with the Earth.

The Chinese dowsed for Dragon and Tiger lines over five thousand years ago. The absence of these lines guided them to the proper places for buildings.

Areas of geopathic stress can be easily observed in the landscape. For example, a twisted tree reflects geopathic stress. If the branch of a tree is growing at a 90-degree angle, this indicates that the tree is making an effort to grow out of a stressful area. And wherever there is poverty, crime, or decay in a city, we find that the life force of that area is in the path of a negative frequency zone. This can actually be proven through dowsing.

In 1950, Ernst Hartmann discovered the Hartmann lines, which have been proven scientifically to exist. The Hartmann lines are essentially grid lines of energy that run from north to south and from east to west. They are caused by the overuse of electricity. Electricity, microwaves, cell phones, cell phone towers, power lines, and transformer boxes all form a wave or fog of negativity that surrounds us. These energies combine with natural Earth frequencies to form a curtain that extends as far as 60 feet below and above the Earth. These lines are approximately 9 inches wide, but increase to 30 inches when the moon is full. It is known that wherever two or more Hartmann lines intersect, there is an island of negative frequency, and the life force is at a low level.

You can’t escape or avoid this type of energy in a city, and it is a given that someone living in a heavily populated area has an increased risk of developing cancer. There are no Hartmann lines — and no cancer — in the Amazon. Ninety-nine percent of serious illnesses in cities are caused by Hartmann lines. When the Hartman lines or geopathic lines are cleared, a dying tree will revive.

After the Hartmann and geopathic lines are cleared, there is a third type of line: the personal or interference lines of energy. When I work with people, I ask them if there is anything they want to improve or correct in their lives. Areas of improvement may include relationships, children, spirit presences, or finances. Then I dowse to clear the lines that are interfering with harmony in those areas. For example, I might dowse around a house and ask to find the interference lines from the west that interfere with money. These lines can be dowsed and cleared.

The effect of the lines of stress can include illness, unhappy relationships, financial stress and low energy level. Illnesses, in particular, are associated with these areas. Cardiovascular deficiency, attention deficit disorder, immune deficiency diseases, chronic fatigue, and cancer are examples of the effects of living in chronically stressed areas.

The Hartmann Grids and Geopathic Zones adversely affect the cellular structure of living organisms. Low-income areas, with the accompanying high crime rate, also tend to be stressed areas. A high crime rate also is associated especially with Hartmann lines.

The harmonizers have an incredible effect on your surroundings. They clear the energy around you. We are living in a weird, strange world with ELF and microwaves. The unseen frequencies have had a huge effect. They cut through our biofields, and we’re swimming in the microwaves.The harmonizer creates a world that remains clear of that energy. It creates the frequency of harmony in your life.

Anything can be put in the harmonizer, such as water, food, or intentions, and the energy is heightened or changed. I often put homeopathic remedies in the harmonizer, and the molecules of the remedy will travel through your home. You can write a note expressing intention, such as resolution to a problem, and place it in the harmonizer to eliminate the frequencies of the related problem or illnesses from your life. Any intention will be broadcast through them the same way the frequencies are spread or diffused if you will them into the Unified Field.

It is important to keep in mind that these devices work without intent, too. What this means is that there is a wisdom inherent in the Sacred Geometry and the cubit lengths employed in their construction that “knows” what is needed to restore harmony to any situation. I always say to people who ask me about putting intention into them that, yes, you can do that, but we’re talking about God and Light here, so it’s just as productive to sit back and allow Spirit to move the way it needs to.

The harmonizer incorporates laws of physics and ancient metaphysical laws based on the measurement of the cubit. In the ancient world, there were at least 19 known cubit lengths — possibly more, but we know of 19. Each cubit measurement was known to be like a face of God in a numerical code.

There are two known cubit lengths — the Sacred Cubit and the Lost Cubit. When a known cubit length makes a closed circuit or loop, it creates a frequency.

The Sacred Cubit is based on measurements from the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid. It has a natural harmonic constant in both length and natural reasonant frequency that relates to the speed of light in free space, or 144,000 geodetic miles-per-second.

The Lost Cubit seems to be associated with Conscious Creation. It vibrates faster than the speed of light, at 177,000 megahertz.

The harmonizer is composed of 3 rings in a pattern (Sacred Cubit) in which all three rings are anchored equally from one another. This creates beams of light that vibrate at a high frequency and radiate in all directions of the field. This creates a spherical toroidal field of light that vibrates at 144 megahertz. The toroidal field vibrates at the speed of light. Every atom, every electron in the field of the harmonizer is activated or injected with more light, so that the atoms and electrons vibrate at a higher level.

We know from both a metaphysical and a scientific perspective that everything is light. The harmonizer adds light energy to any situation, environment, or to physical matter. The laws of physics dictate that the higher energy eliminates or pushes away the lower waves of energy that would normally bombard you.

The harmonizer is also an energy source. It takes ten electron volts to raise the orbital level of an electron one quanta, which is a tiny measure of light. But scientific tests show that water exposed to the rings or Caduceus coil emit light. If ten electron volts are multiplied by the number of atoms in a glass of water, then high mathematical figures will result. The change occurs because of the tensor or field of energy. An enormous amount of current at no voltage is produced. The coils produce an infinite amount of power at no cost.

Cal Garrison

TO PURCHASE, please contact:

Moi Francisco
Email: heaps.light@gmail.com
Whatsapp, Viber, Text, Call: +639209514056