


As Mother Earth (Gaia) and her children (i.e. humanity) continue to evolve and ascend into higher frequencies in order to reveal more light, inevitably, the lower frequencies from past realities and out-dated beliefs will need to  be exposed simultaneously for massive clearing and transcendence. 

The influx of these lower frequencies has manifested as increased levels of pathogens, environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies from food and wide-spread propaganda of fear-based ideas and subliminal negative mental conditioning – the outcome of which is the general phenomenon of fast declining human health and wellbeing.

These challenges may persist in the year 2024 but with collective intention and effort, their prevalence and intensity can certainly be reduced.

Towards this end, sound healer Moi Francisco and channel Amara Tia Ann are co-presenting the “Earth Heals. Heal Earth" program to support you and your body through this important transition of Gaia and humanity. With greater health, you shall have the peace of mind and joy of heart to live soul-fully.

·        January 20: Sound healing ceremony by Moi

·        January 21: Channeled Healing workshop by Amara Tai


Event Fee: P18,000.00 (inclusive of lunch and snacks)

Date: 20 January 2024 (9:30 AM - 12:30 PM)
           21 January 2024 (10:00 AM - 4:00 PM)

Venue: Valle Verde 1, Pasig City


The first day will be dedicated to the sound healing ceremony in order to prepare our energetic and physical bodies for the whole day workshop, which will be held on the following day.  All participants are invited to join us for a day trip at Hidden Valley Springs in Calauan, Laguna on the third day. This is optional and not part of the program but being in nature will help us integrate the downloaded codes and programs in our being.


Facilitated by Moi Francisco

Using various musical healing instruments, most of which are tuned to 432 Hz, we will invoke the elements of fire, water, air and earth for clearing, healing, and raising of our frequencies. We will also ask Mother Cacao to bless us and help in  this energetic work. Towards the end, we will be healed by the music of the solfeggio and angelic frequencies.


A Workshop Led by the Avalon Priesthood

Channeled by Amara Tia Ann


A communion with the priestesses of the ancient lineage of Avalon to celebrate and harness mankind’s timeless connection with Gaia for restoring balance and harmony in the body.

A devotion to Earth as her guardians and stewards. 


The sacredness of the human body is best appreciated, and its inherent power unlocked through a heart union with Gaia, our Earth Mother.

Cultivating a deepened awareness of Gaia’s loving presence within and around us is a key step towards experiencing and sustaining greater health and peace …naturally. Specifically, when we learn to ignite and dance with her elements – the primal forces that made up the human vessel – and share our divine breath with Gaia, the human body can, once again, be entrained to her natural vibratory rhythm that promotes life and harmony. As our body heals, so will Earth’s.

The priestesses of the mystical realm of Avalon have long been revered as the steadfast stewards of Earth and her natural forces.  In this workshop, they will serve as the conduit and messenger of Gaia to transmit these insights and healings:

·       “Once-Upon-A-Time”: Perennial legend of the birth of mankind upon Earth

·       Healing the body through balancing and strengthening the elements  

·       Programming “joy” vibration into nervous system as “The Song of the Body”

·       Practise breathwork to enhance heart connection with Earth

…and other teachings or healings as may be channeled at the workshop

About Spiritual Teacher and Channel, Amara Tia Ann


Born and raised in Singapore, Ann began her spiritual work as a channel and healer in 2005, soon after experiencing a powerful spiritual awakening in July 2004 catalyzed by the Venus Transit.  Since then, she has channeled a wide variety of frequencies and evolved beings, including the Elohim, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Goddesses of varying lineages, Christed Star Beings and various Councils of Light to transmit high-frequency sound and light codes (Language of Light) and advanced spiritual knowledge to support the evolution of Humanity.

Ann was conferred the spiritual name ‘Amara Tia’ by one of her spirit guides, Lord Gautama Buddha, on 29 December 2012. It means "of the emerald diamond". The intention is for her, in fulfilling her role as a channel for Universal consciousness, to bring through spiritual knowledge calibrated with the highest frequency of love (emerald heart) and of absolute purity and clarity (diamond). In the past 18 years, Ann channeled and facilitated numerous workshops, courses, retreats, and sacred tours across different parts of the world.

More information about Ann and the channeled materials she has published over the years are available at the Aleph Centre of Accelerated Spiritual Transformation (ACAST) website www.acast.me - Pearls of Wisdom.


Date: 20 January 2024 (9:30 AM - 12:30 PM)

          21 January 2024 (10:00 AM - 4:00 PM)

Venue: Valle Verde 1, Pasig City

Fees: PHP 18,000.00 (Inclusive of lunch and snacks)

Payment Deadline: 06 January 2024

For Questions: Send an email to heaps.light@gmail.com or viber/whatsapp at +639209514056